The Mission: Work Securely Anywhere


Everyone should be able to use smartphones and tablets for work. Even private devices. Anytime and anywhere. With maximum security and flexibility. That is our mission.

Weak Spots

Apps that are unsafe or tap data

Devices with outdated operating systems

Unprotected data transmission

Mobile malware

Employee behavior and shadow IT



Confidential data, company secrets and even passwords are tapped


Malware infiltrates the IT infrastructure

Severe Consequences


GDPR breaches


Defamation and blackmailing of companies and individuals


Companies are unable to act and their hands are tied


Files and records are sold and re-sold a million times over – claims for compensation ensue

SecurePIM Success Stories

Keen to be on the safe side?

Do you want to protect your company and find out more about our secret weapon, SecurePIM? Our experts will be happy to support you on this mission quest. Please enter your details here so we can contact you.