Munich, 14 July 2021 – Authorities and organizations are now authorized to use the SecurePIM Government SDS mobile communication solution provided by Materna Virtual Solution requiring the NATO RESTRICTED security classification. This enables the exchange of security-critical classified information and documents within NATO, but also between companies and government agencies.

The SecurePIM Government SDS system solution has been granted approval by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) for use with information classified with the NATO RESTRICTED security level for iOS devices (from iOS version 14). Accordingly, the solution can now be employed within NATO, between NATO member states, and between NATO and non-NATO organizations. At the same time, SecurePIM Government SDS is also highly relevant for companies working with NATO agencies, as well as suppliers, service providers and companies in the security and defence industry. The NATO RESTRICTED classification corresponds to the German secrecy level ‘VS-NfD’ (classified information – for  official use only).

Following the BSI’s approval of the SecurePIM Government SDS system solution (iOS version) for data classified as ‘VS-NfD’ (classified information – for  official use only) in 2017, the NATO seal of approval now represents an important step for Materna Virtual Solution in the strategic growth and development of the company’s international market position. SecurePIM Government SDS is the only iOS solution on the market to be given approval for NATO RESTRICTED information alongside VS-NfD authorization. The Android version received a pre-approval for VS-NfD in March 2020 and is currently in the final stages of the approval process.

SecurePIM Government SDS is now predestined for use in scenarios such as transnational communication between government agencies, within companies handling classified information, and also in the context of critical infrastructure. Due to its ease of operation, the container solution is exceptionally user-friendly and hardly prone to accidental misuse, thereby increasing both user acceptance and security. The entire range of communication and all access to data takes place via a highly secure, encrypted, self-contained area.

“The approval of SecurePIM Government SDS for NATO RESTRICTED classified information affirms our mobile security competence established over many years and the high security standards of our products,” explains Sascha Wellershoff, CEO at Materna Virtual Solution. “Above and beyond its use in conjunction with NATO, this allows us to provide security-critical authorities and organizations with a solution for smartphones and tablets which has been tested by strict security criteria and approved by the highest authority.”