Ultra-mobile Communication for Emergency and Armed Forces

Up to classification level VS-NfD and NATO RESTRICTED 

Ultra-mobile Communication for Emergency and Armed Forces

Up to classification level VS-NfD and NATO RESTRICTED

Enables ultra-mobile working scenarios in compliance with the highest security standards, without curbing user-friendliness


The use of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets has enjoyed substantial growth over the past few years – not only at companies, but also in security-related industries and the defense sector. When it comes to defense, data security plays an especially crucial role. But how can maximum flexibility be achieved while also ensuring the highest security standards? 

With the communication solution “SecurePIM” from Materna Virtual Solution, your emergency and armed forces communicate with the highest levels of security, across platforms with state-of-the-art iOS and Android devices. SecurePIM Government SDS is the only solution for iOS and Android which has been granted an approval or pre-approval by the BSI for processing data up to VS-NfD and “NATO RESTRICTED”. What’s more, the ecosystem-led approach facilitates secure 360-degree communication by enabling the integration and encryption of third-party apps tailored to the defense sector. In this way, your emergency and armed forces are able to communicate highly confidential data, for instance the latest situation updates or reports, with each other. Communicating securely has never been easier! 

SecurePIM in action – Communicate securely in real time, even in crisis situations 

Exchange data in real time
The integrated messenger (pending approval) enables secure sharing of tactical information e.g., images or videos.

Share geographic coordinates
Share your GPS data securely in encrypted form – it can subsequently be converted into
a common operational picture (COP). 

Effective protection from data loss
Thanks to the container technology your data stays secure, even if the mobile device is lost in the course of operations. The data can be deleted via remote access at all times.

Exchange data in real time
The integrated messenger (pending approval) enables secure sharing of tactical information e.g., images or videos.

Share geographic coordinates
Share your GPS data securely in encrypted form – it can subsequently be converted into a common operational picture (COP). 

Effective protection from data loss
Thanks to the container technology your data stays secure, even if the mobile device is lost in the course of operations. The data can be deleted via remote access at all times.

SecurePIM functions for iOS and android devices 

SecurePIM E-Mail


SecurePIM Messenger

(pending approval)

SecurePIM Kontakte


SecurePIM Kalender


SecurePIM Dokumente


SecurePIM also includes the tasks, notes, browser and camera functions.

Best Practice: Secure data exchange for Bundeswehr pilots thanks to iPads and the SecurePIM container-based communication solution

München, 15. Mai 2024 As part of a digitalization project for the German Air Force and naval pilots, Materna Virtual Solution was able to successfully integrate a large number of tablets into the troops’ communication structure thanks to SecurePIM Goverment SDS. The ultra-mobile communication solution, which supports both Android and iOS, enables the forces to access a wide range of classified and confidential information in real time while maintaining high security standards.

Would you like to know more about SecurePIM or talk to one of our experts? 

Your personal contact Marco Schrader, Director Sales and frigate captain in the reserve, looks forward to hearing from you.

Did you already know? Materna Virtual Solutions will be back at the AFCEA trade exhibition at the World Conference Center in Bonn on June 26 and 27.

Be sure to visit us at our booth S56 Hall New York/Geneva. Here we would like to introduce you to our SecurePIM container solution, which enables operational and armed forces to communicate on the move at the VS-NfD and NATO-Restricted classification levels.

We look forward to exchanging ideas with you!

13 + 10 =

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Exciting topics and articles about ultra-mobile communication for emergency and armed forces.

Blog post “Secure ultra-mobile working for BOS”
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Blog post “Secure ultra-mobile work environments for security agencies thanks to state-of-the-art communication solutions”
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Webinar “Mobile communication for armed forces”
This Behörden Spiegel webinar reveals how your armed forces can securely communicate data up to VS-NfD and NATO RESTRICTED classification level, even by way of mobile devices. (German only)


Awards and strong partnerships

VS-NfD Zulassung
IT Security made in Germany TeleTrusT Seal