Secure mobile working for federal, regional and local governments

More than 100 public authorities and 10,000 employees use SecurePIM on a daily basis.
In small local councils, regional government, city councils and top-level federal government authorities.

Secure mobile working for federal, regional and local governments

More than 100 public authorities and 10,000 employees use SecurePIM on a daily basis.

Von der Gemeindeverwaltung über Landkreise und in Städten bis hin zu Bundesbehörden.

Find the right solution for your needs.
Which type of government do you work for?

Find the right solution for your needs. Which type of government do you work for?

Solutions for federal authorities

Safe mobile communication for federal authorities

Smartphones and tablets are becoming increasingly popular and important work utensils. But when processing information that is classified as ‘VS-NfD’ (classified information, restricted for official use only) or ‘NATO RESTRICTED’, federal authorities must ensure compliance with the strict guidelines dictated by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). And the rules apply to smartphones and tablets too.

SecurePIM Government SDS is the only cross-platform solution for iOS and Android that has been given approval or pre-approval respectively by the BSI for use with VS-NfD restricted information, as well as an iOS-based approval for ‘NATO RESTRICTED’ data and which enables employees to communicate securely on mobile devices.


How you benefit with SecurePIM Government SDS

  • Enables employees to work safely on mobile devices when handling VS-NfD restricted information.
  • Less hassle, lower costs, more flexibility: VS-NfD cross-platform solution for iOS and Android
  • All functions in a single app: email, phone calls, calendar, documents and browser for professional applications

Do you have a question?
You have a question, need more information or want to discuss specific needs? Please contact us.

BSI grants approval for classification level NATO RESTRICTED
SecurePIM Government SDS is granted approval for NATO RESTRICTED security classification.

Whitepaper “Working remotely in
digital administration”

This whitepaper discusses the challenges of digitalisation and using mobile devices in public authorities. (German only)

Solutions for regional authorities

Safe mobile communication for regional authorities: a simple, flexible and GDPR-compliant solution for working on smartphones and tablets

As digitalisation advances, mobile communication is becoming an increasingly important aspect in public services. But it also means that authorities have to protect internal data as well as the personal data of citizens and employees. Strictest compliance with the GDPR and with the Protection of Classified Information Act is vital in order to avoid the damage and reputation losses connected with data leaks.

SecurePIM Government meets all the requirements of the GDPR on mobile devices. All data is encrypted on the device itself and during transmission, using state-of-the-art end-to-end encrypted technology.


How you benefit with SecurePIM Government

  • Secure, even on privately owned mobile devices: Strictly divides work data from private data – 100% GDPR compliant
  • Less hassle, lower costs, more flexibility: Cross-platform solution for iOS and Android
  • Email, messenger, phone calls and more on smartphones and tablets: all safe and sound in a single app!

Whitepaper “Working remotely in
digital administration”

This whitepaper discusses the challenges of digitalisation and using mobile devices in public authorities. (German only)

Blog post “Mobile Work Trend – Requirements and Data Protection”
Mobile work imposes special demands on workplaces and methods. The more public the workplace, the more important it becomes to pay attention to data protection.

Webinar “Chat or E-Mail? Fast and secure mobile communication”
Get an overview over the SecureCOM Messenger use cases and functionalities. Our experts offer live demonstrations and answer your questions. (German only)

Solutions for local authorities

Secure mobile communication for cities, districts and municipalities

If employees in public administration departments are able to use mobile devices in their work, they are often more productive and more motivated. However, equipping employees with smartphones and tablets is expensive and can pose security risks.

SecurePIM uses secure container technology to protect work communication and data and keep it strictly separate from private apps and data. This means that employees can use their private smartphone for work purposes – e.g. to access work emails or chat with colleagues via messenger – and can do so securely, using a single app.


How you benefit with SecurePIM Government

  • Saves investment costs and increases employee motivation levels: Safely using a private device for work purposes (Bring Your Own Device – BYOD)
  • Less hassle, lower costs, more flexibility: Cross-platform solution for iOS and Android
  • Email, messenger, phone calls and more on smartphones and tablets: all safe and sound in a single app!
  • Purchase with one of our sales partners or over procurement agreements with communal IT providers.

Webinar “BYOD – Permit or Prohibit”
Learn how to make employees, IT admins and finance happy with a Bring Your Own Device model. (German only)

Blog post “Mobile Device Management or Container Apps?”
We present two different approaches: MDM and container solutions. Comparisons show that container solutions are indispensable.

Whitepaper “BYOD – Legal Aspects”
General information on the legal aspects you need to consider when introducing a BYOD system. (German only)


„VS-NfD“ for iOS and Android: Secure mobile communication for companies holding restricted information

Companies holding restricted information (‘sicherheitsbetreute Unternehmen’), e. g. the arms and defense industry, must ensure compliance with the strict and regularly audited guidelines, when processing information that is classified as ‘VS-NfD’ (Verschlusssache – Nur für den Dienstgebrauch i. e. classified information, restricted for official use only) or as ‘NATO RESTRICTED’. This is also true for data on smartphones and tablets.

SecurePIM Government SDS is the only cross-platform and device-independent solution that has been given approval (iOS) or pre-approval (Android) respectively by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). This ensures compliance with ‘VS-NfD’ and confidentiality (‘Geheimnisschutz’) guidelines for employees communicating on smartphones and tablets. It is implemented faster, than self-developed solutions and generally individual needs concerning network infrastructure, PKI, smartcards etc. can be met. SecurePIM Government SDS is used by over 50 German federal authorities and security assisted companies (April 2021).


How you benefit with SecurePIM Government SDS

  • Enables employees to work safely on mobile devices when handling VS-NfD or NATO RESTRICTED classified information.
  • Less hassle, lower costs, more flexibility: VS-NfD cross-platform and device-independent solution for iOS and Android
  • Easy implementation: ONE secure, company-wide solution for every employee – for ‘VS-NfD’ or lower security levels
  • Out-of-the-box GDPR compliant: work data is strictly divided from private data
  • All functionalities secured in a single app: email, phone calls, messaging, calendar, editing documents and a browser for professional applications, camera and more

Case Study “Oberste Bundesbehörde”
One of Germany’s governmental institutions is using SecurePIM Government SDS. Read more in our Case Study. (German only)

Whitepaper “BYOD – Legal Aspects”
General information on the legal aspects you need to consider when introducing a BYOD system. (German only)

BSI grants approval for classification level NATO RESTRICTED
SecurePIM Government SDS is granted approval for NATO RESTRICTED security classification.

Contact us

Do you have any questions about SecurePIM or SecureCOM? Or would you like to test SecurePIM in a live environment? We’ll contact you as soon as possible by telephone or email.